Tax Foreclosure Meeting Well Attended

Over 100 people attended the GRDC’s Tax Foreclosure Prevention Workshop on Thursday, January 15. Over 20 volunteers from GRDC, the United Community Housing Coalition and the communities of Grandmont Rosedale were on hand to direct attendees, answer questions, help fill out forms and organize the intake of attendees. Over 60 forms for tax relief and…

Salute to Radio Patrol Volunteers!

On Thursday, 6th and 8th Precinct Radio Patrol volunteers gathered at the North Rosedale Park Community House to be saluted for their contributions to safe communities. This event, coordinated by the 6th and 8th Precinct Radio Patrol coordinators with assistance from GRDC community security program staff and volunteers, proved to be a success! Chief Craig,…

GRDC named Community Development Corporation of the Year!

The lively drumming of Nanou Dijapo matched the buzz of Detroit pride as hundreds working to maintain and improve Detroit neighborhoods poured into the Grand Riverview Ballroom at Cobo Center. Over a dozen Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation board members and staff attended the Annual Detroit Community Development Awards banquet to accept the honor of Community…

Loyal to Your Soil Artists Create Public Art at Stoepel

Want to know what Peck Park on Brush Street, the pedestrian bridge over 75 in Southwest Detroit, the Atheneum Hotel, Children’s Hospital, the Federal Reserve Bank, Campus Martius, the Detroit Athletic Club, and the Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church have in common?  They all contain works by world renowned Detroit artist Hubert Massey.  As of this…

GRDC’s Community Garden Produces Delicious Results

The system works:  Volunteers weed, rake, mow, help build a fence, pick, and then they “shop” for produce such as cucumbers, basil, squash, garlic, and strawberries before they head home.  Usually there are 6-12 people who help out Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm at GRDC’s Community Garden, and usually there isn’t much produce left over.  Some…