Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation

Vacant Property Task Force

The Vacant Property Task Force (VPTF) is a resident-led initiative supported by GRDC to target and prevent blight and vacancy within Grandmont Rosedale’s five neighborhoods. Working closely with resident volunteers, we monitor vacant homes in our community with the goal of ensuring that every property is properly maintained.

Since its inception at the start of the housing market crash in 2008, residents from all five neighborhoods banded together to keep their neighbors in their homes and the community stable. Through resilience and crafty ideas, residents studied Wayne County’s foreclosure lists, targeting addresses within Grandmont Rosedale. With this information, they collected resources to help residents to be informed of their home’s situation, went doorknocking and looked for resources midigate foreclosures. Some residents were so passionate about saving their neighbors from moving out or the risk of property values deceasing, some resident went as far as to buying houses on their block to maintain stability. In terms of the housing that were already vacant because of the housing market crisis or negliance, the VPTF volunteered their time and sometimes funds to board them up to avoid arsonry, the stripping of valuable equipment within the house, and other blight concerns. Houses that were salvagable with purchased by GRDC and remodeled to become suitable for new residents. To control other sources of blight such as illegal dumping on unkept yards, residents mailed out code enforcement letters to motivate people to make a change. Moreover, the VPTF advocated for purchasing and beautifying vacant lots with art, flower and shrub plantings, regular mowings, and the installation of public seating. GRDC has supported the groups endeavors all to preserve and enrich the Grandmont Rosedale community. Some of the vacant lots even became new construction homes!

The VPTF has become a nationally studied grass roots group that created a unique view of one’s love for their community and volunteerism. Today, Grandmont Rosedale has a very small footprint of vacancy that are being constantly monitored for the VPTF and will continue to work towards a blight-free and beautiful community. As the amount of vacancies has decreased, the VPTF has three main objectives today:

  1. Long-term beautification projects within the neighborhoods, green spaces and commerical corridors.

  2. Blight midigation and code enforcement.

  3. Eliminating vacancies with an emphasis of commerical properties to improve the small business ecosystem in Grandmont Rosedale.

The Vacant Property Task Force hosts hybrid meetings quarterly on the third Tuesday of the month. To get more information regarding the Vacant Property Task Force’s mission or get involved, email GRDC’s Community Engagement Manager, Bre’Anna Johnston at or call 313-470-0425.