Innovative Project Targets Grandmont Rosedale for Home Renovation

GRDC is teaming up with Develop Detroit to implement an innovative new approach to renovating homes in Grandmont Rosedale. The program will utilize New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) to help finance the cost of renovations. The NMTC program has been used to finance commercial and mixed-use projects in Detroit, but its use for home renovations…

A Pop Up Pairing at the Grand River WorkPlace

Nicole Bien-Aime and Chanel Coleman met while they were taking ProsperUs training at the Grand River WorkPlace. Nicole had been selling women’s clothing out of an office building ill-suited to her needs. Chanel’s custom shoes and accessories business had been an online only endeavor and she was looking to expand. During their training the women…

Hilberry Shines Spotlight on Detroit and Grandmont Rosedale

The current Hilberry Theatre season includes the Michigan premiere of Detroit, an eccentric new comedy by award-winning playwright Lisa D’Amour. On Saturday, March 23rd, the 8:00 PM performance will be followed by a discussion about Detroit neighborhoods featuring Tom Goddeeris, Executive Director of the Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation (GRDC). Special Offer The Maggie Allesee Department…

Crime Prevention Task Force Aims to Increase Project Green Light Participation

by Maria Penrod, GRDC Community Security Intern The Crime Prevention Task Force is made up of dedicated residents who strive to make neighborhoods in Grandmont Rosedale safe for all. Task Force members meet once a month to discuss current topics and events going on in the community. They also plan the Neighborhood Safety Meetings, which…

The Grandmont Rosedale Vacant Property Task Force: Our Goals, Our Success, Our Holiday Wreath Sale

“She came ready to get to work, with her cordless drill in one hand and a box of screws in the other.” Vacant and blighted property in Detroit threatens neighborhood health and stability, but also offers the prospect of civic engagement. The Grandmont Rosedale Vacant Property Task Force is a notable example of residents who…

More Art & Innovative Green Infrastructure Coming to Stoepel Park this Summer

It was just a few years ago when the community came together to celebrate the completion of many improvements to the baseball diamonds at Stoepel Park No. 1 in Grandmont Rosedale. A coalition effort spearheaded by the Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation, the Rosedale Grandmont Little League, the City of Detroit, and Wayne County resulted in…

Tactical Urbanism Comes to Grand River Avenue

On June 6th and 7th, Bloomberg Associates and Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation held two public meetings, piggybacking on the Grand River Avenue Design Workshop facilitated by Dover, Kohl & Partners in April. Whereas April’s workshop used a charrette format to capture a larger vision from attendees, the recent meetings helped gather feedback on two specific…